I am an artist with a passion for working with metal, clay and for drawing and painting.  My art journey started as a child and I found myself drawing constantly. It became my instant connection with spirit and my higher self.  I attended college in Arundel, West Sussex, U.K. and learned to paint in the beautiful English countryside. It was there that I knew I wanted to be an artist.

After college I moved to NYC and worked in television and production. I moved to Connecticut to buy a home and start a family. When both of my children were diagnosed with multiple disabilities including Autism, I began using Art as a tool to communicate with them.

Art was a way that I could connect with them and they with me.  It curbed their frustrations and made them happy and calm. They loved when I drew whimsical figures and scenarios and they also started to draw their own. We would look at them and laugh and make up stories to the pictures. It was and continues to be a window into feelings my children are not able to express verbally and connects us in ways words could never do. 

Both of them quickly learned that creating art was their happy place too and an extremely valuable tool to communicate what they wanted to express. They both have developed into very gifted artists and have sold pieces locally. They continue to create art as a means to get their feelings out and express their own unique creativity.

After beginning to bead with friends and make jewelry as a stress release, I found myself craving creating my own metal pieces. I started taking a metal smith classe at a local art center and quickly began selling my work. My specialty was commission pieces created from idea to form. While at the art center I took a few pottery classes and ultimately fell in love with clay. I worked as a Pottery Studio Assistant at Guilford Art Center for two years. I was eager and did learn all about clay, kilns, mixing glazes, the alchemy of firings and was priveledged to assist the studio in all aspects. While there I was encouraged to sculpt. I immediately knew this was the medium and practice I had been longing to find. It found me truly.

I have since begun to teach Art in all forms to a variety of ages and abilities. In creating art daily with students, I am able to not just teach technique, but to open up a world of learning and self confidence. Art is truly a healing practice no matter what form it takes. It fosters growth in fine motor, cognitive stimulation, confidence and learning to express one’s self.

I continue to sell at fine art shows throughout New England (please check Events page) and love creating custom pieces. My studio is located in Waterford, Connecticut and that is where I create my work now.  I love to travel, meditate, hike, swim in the ocean, practice yoga, sing, drum and play guitar.

Thank you for visiting and I hope to see you soon!

Sarah Bishop

Ember Hawk